Applicant must show proof of passing the NBCOT certification examination or proof of intent to take the examination.

Official transcripts with degree conferral and documentation of all academic and fieldwork requirements must also be submitted before a temporary or permanent license will be issued.

If a transcript is not available, the CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETION OF EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS form must be submitted with the application.

All applicants are allowed to practice ONLY AFTER a temporary or permanent license has been issued.

Applicants who currently hold a license to practice occupational therapy in another state and wish to apply for licensure in Massachusetts, as well as those already certified by NBCOT, are NOT eligible for a temporary license to practice in Massachusetts.

Allow 3 to 4 weeks to process your application once PCS has received all documentation.
A temporary license is issued only to applicants who have not passed the NBCOT certification examination and are scheduled to take the next examination.

Applicant must be registered to take the next scheduled examination.

When scheduling the next examination, applicants must request that NBCOT issue confirmation of examination registration directly to PCS.
Reinstatement of Temporary License
All temporary licensee candidates who failed the NBCOT examination must:

NBCOT to reapply for the examination; NBCOT will issue a new
Authorization to Test letter with instructions on how to contact Prometric Test Centers to schedule their examination.

Applicants must request the NBCOT Confirmation of Examination Registration and Eligibility to Examine Notice be issued on their behalf to PCS.